This song from Zack & Miri Make a Porno
It came up on a Genius mix from Sugar Ray's Fly
Fabulous sunny day song
My eye (MY EYE!) is slowly getting better
It's no longer got that raped/beaten look to it, just beaten
Had lunch at Dairy Queen in the South Loop last week
It was way better than I imagined
Jim's friend Tom was here twice in the past two weeks
He's a good soul
Jim & Tom were playing guitars in the basement last night
They did that 30+ years ago in Jim's parents' basement too
Wish You Were Here was quite good
Had a PB&J sammich for dinner last night
My umbrella makes me happy
The Poetry Foundation is building its new headquarters up the street from my office
Jim and I had an awesome city date Wednesday night - nice long walk on the beach followed by dinner
Made reservations for our anniversary dinner yesterday
"You have no power here! Be gone, before somebody drops a house on you, too!"
Looking forward to Corbin's 50th birthday bash - 70's style
Need to find costumes for this
I want to be a disco queen
Eric called earlier this week to thank for the visit
It was good to hear his voice
Disk Inventory X is a great tool
Weeded the whole front yard last Saturday
Very satisfying work
Jim got a flag and red/white/blue bunting for the front porch for the Fourth
It looked great
Now we have a list of dates to put up the flag
I am looking forward to this responsibility
I like the word 'bunting'
It can mean so many things
Finished watching the A&E mini series Pride & Prejudice
Soooo good after reading the book
We watched the movie Taken with Liam Neeson night before last
Actually quite good
It was a relatively intelligent thriller type movie
With no particularly disappointing moments
I recommend it
Susie will be here one week from tomorrow
For our annual long weekend of drinking, shopping and sunning
I am looking forward to at least one long, cramp-inducing belly laugh
Another lovely summer tradition
Cried as I finished the book The Help
It is just fantastic
And to think all of that happened just 50 years ago
The bus arrived just as I reached the stop Wednesday morning
It's been a good week for public transportation
A Persian cab driver said to me yesterday: "Who came up with work like a dog? Doggies don't work. In my country, it's work like a donkey. Much better."
I couldn't agree more
I am listening to: Len - Steal My Sunshine
I am reading: Just finished The Help - awesome book
And I am: Sleepy
2 weeks ago
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