Hard to believe we’re already a third of the way through the Year of Traveling Lightly.
To re-focus, I made a rather pleasing purchase at the Apple store in Oak Brook mall on Friday: A slim little case for my PowerBook.
It won’t hold much beyond the Mac and that’s why I like it so much.
Don’t you find that the more room you have the more room you use?
It’s that way with houses. And it’s certainly that way with baggage.
The rolling computer bag that I acquired because of my self-induced back problem was considerably larger than the backpack that started this whole mess.
Like a black hole, that wheelie bag sucked in all kinds of crazy crap from my universe. The final straw came when a friend saw it and asked: “Goin’ bowling?”
Back with the backpack, I felt decidedly unfettered. Using it correctly this time (straps on both shoulders, rather than hanging off just one) I had no fear of re-injuring myself.
But it was still too cumbersome and not exactly professional.
This new case barely holds the power cord, forcing me to re-think everything that I “need” during the course of my day.
So I’ll ask again: what are you carrying around that you don’t need?
Guilt? Fear? Bad relationships?
I read an article in the Red Eye about that last one.
We spend time Spring-cleaning our homes, yards, and cars. Why not our relationships?
Are there people you’ve collected (even carried) over the years that have become unhealthy for you? Why are you still hanging on to them? What purpose does it serve?
Speaking of traveling lightly, did you see the moon this morning?
It is my favorite: the skinny waning moon. Overnight it’ll disappear down to nothing.
I love it when the world is far away from the next full moon.
I am reading: The Cockroach Theory (again)
I am listening to: Garth Brooks – To Make You Feel My Love
And I am: Unfettered
2 weeks ago
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