Last night I dreamt that it was Thursday, but everyone kept telling me it was Wednesday.
Then I woke up and it was only Tuesday.
“Spring-cleaning your relationships? You are such a cold-hearted bitch, Heather. Do you think people are disposable like pens and lighters to be discarded once you’ve used them up?”
Not what I meant. At all.
They’re called Emotional Vampires.
Admit it. You know who I’m talking about.
There’s at least one truly insufferable person in your life that you dread seeing because she sucks all the energy right out of you.
Emotional vampires are joyless creatures who refuse to see the good in anything. They cannot be happy for anyone. Often controlling and manipulative, the only genuine pleasure they take is in making others as miserable as they are. They do not see that their own bad decisions are the source of their misery and consequently blame everyone else for all that appears to be wrong in their lives.
The EV is someone you need to kick to the curb. Now.
I did it. And my life is better for it.
There’s so much to do and see on this planet. Time is short.
Don’t waste it on people who are unworthy of you.
Name the movie: “The evil-doers are easier and they taste better.”
I am reading: Nothing
I am listening to: Nothing
And I am: Blah
2 weeks ago
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