Walking west on Superior just now behind a well-dressed man and woman:
"Half my family's Muslim, half my family's Pentecost. Someone says there's something wrong with being Muslim, I say 'Have you ever been to the mosque with me? Then how do you know?'"
"Whatever anyone wants to believe, that's fine with me."
I am listening to: If It Makes You Happy - Sheryl Crow
I am reading: Another f*cking PowerPoint presentation
And I am: Kinda sleepy
2 weeks ago
I LOVE listening...it is incredible how much you can overhear!
pay attention without fear
As you know we dogs have exceptional hearing.
I know you find it hard to believe but I can hear Jim's car an hour before he arrives home!
And I don’t expect you to believe this one but... I can hear a gnat fart from 152 yards away!
And how about this one... when a toilet flushes on an airliner 30,000 feet above... I can tell you if it was #1 or #2!
But when there is steak on the grill... I can't hear Hedy when she is two feet away yelling in my ear...
What is that all about?
Mmmm steak... I miss summer already!
Hmmm... these need a good licking… oh well... because I can…
Another gross post from a dog.
what a hog
another gross post from the dog - it is all always about the licking!!
Oh Miss Kitty Kitty -- Why do you hate me so?
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