"Why don't you sit over here by me?"
"I didn't know you were over there."
I am listening to: The Bartender Song - Rehab
I am reading: Nothing, really
And I am: Hammered again
2 weeks ago
How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. - Henry David Thoreau
Only seven hours till you decide to post something like this again. I haven't quite figured out the relationship between the title and the post. Though I've been in a room and asked and answered the same question (different nights).
The Schoolhouse is a local bar. I asked Jim why he wasn't sitting over here by me. And he said "I didn't know you were over there."
It is quite possible you had to be there (here), although I am still laughing about it. Scotch does that to him.
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