You might've already heard about this, but scientists have discovered that cervical cancer is caused by a virus.
It's good news for so many reasons, the least of which is that if the pap smear that I had this morning comes up negative for the virus, then I don't need to experience another one of those uncomfortable expeditions for another three years.
But the really great news is that there's a vaccine that is 100% effective in fighting this virus. Eliminate the virus, eliminate the cancer, everybody wins. Right?
Not exactly.
Apparently those control-freak misogynistic fucktards on the fundamentalist far right are at it again -- fighting FDA approval of the vaccine because it poses a threat to their whole abstinence agenda.
Yes, the virus happens to be a sexually transmitted disease.
And somehow these idiots think that they're the only thing standing between the vaccine and a nationwide Girls Gone Wild pandemic. Because the vaccine fights an STD, they honestly believe that inoculating young women will make them more likely to have sex.
Remember, these are the same men who fought birth control -- men who claimed that offering easy access to safe, reliable contraception would turn rational, decent women into Sex-Crazed, Out-of-Control Love Monkeys.
Yet all of the symptoms of a Love Monkey Revolution -- abortion, unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases -- have been steadily declining since the 1970's.
The fact is, these men are so preoccupied with what everyone else is doing in the sack, you just know they're either a) not getting any, ever or b) depraved perverts. Or both.
In case you're wondering exactly who "they" are: The Family Research Council is one of the leading proponents of all the hateful, sexist, homophobic legislation that currently threatens our nation and our freedom.
These are the people behind the Bush administration's infamous anti-science agenda that among other things is promoting the teaching of creationism in our public schools.
These people would rather protect their ineffective control freak sex agenda than protect women from cancer.
Please write your representative and support FDA approval of this vaccine. Today.
It is liking the things we have to do that makes life blessed. - Goethe
2 weeks ago
"fucktards". amazing.
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