[Editor's note: this is from yesterday. I was too pooped to publish last night.]
“I don’t care if he builds the goddamn thing with Tinker Toys as long as it does what I need it to do.”
That was me earlier today. Charming, eh?
I work with people who are big on technology. Programmers, developers, geeks.
Had a meeting with the guy who is supposed to help me orchestrate transferring my company’s web site to the new .Net Nuke development platform.
If you’re wondering what that is, so am I.
These geeks, they have to make everything that they do sound mysterious and dangerous when in reality they’re mostly pale white men whose major pastime besides computers is fierce and prolonged masturbation.
He was condescending, which never helps. And like most techno-geeks, wayyyyyy too focused on the technology and not at all focused on how it is supposed to help. He spent a ridiculous amount of time explaining the nuts and bolts on the new site when all I wanted to know was when I can get started on the damn thing.
At one point I had the audacity to ask him if the selected technology was appropriate for what we needed to do.
“To a guy with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” I said.
I don’t think he liked that much, but it was my little return jab for his arrogance.
Another warning sign that this thing is never gonna get done: I asked him if it was appropriate at this point to solicit feedback from some key folks at the company, to maybe get some consensus on updates to the content and format.
Oh, no. He didn’t want any part of that.
I understand the “too many cooks in the kitchen” concept, but this was not the case.
He just didn’t want me to tell anyone that after six months of promises he’s finally going to work on this, for fear he might be held to a deadline.
Went to a meeting in the Sears Tower today. It’s just a couple blocks from my office.
There were bagpipers playing in the lobby.
Not something you’d expect in the middle of the day, but it was nice. Reminded me of my wedding.
“What’s with all the helicopters?” asked someone from the meeting, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows of the 67th floor.
“It’s a big protest today. Some immigration thing.”
Down on the street, it was awesome: My first close encounter with a big city protest.
Fascinating. Endless. A veritable wall of people.
I still don’t have any idea what they were marching about.
But it was inspiring, all these people coming together for a cause they believe in.
Honestly, I don’t want to learn what it was all about for fear of being disappointed.
I really hope it’s something amazing and worthwhile that will change the world.
And now, riding home on the train, I am completely pooped.
I really need this weekend.
So best wishes to y’all, love ya, and g’night.
I am reading: The Cockroach Theory by Dick Wake
I am listening to: Chevelle – An Evening with El Diablo
And I am: You know, pooped.
2 weeks ago
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