Or a blessed Ostara for you pagans out there.
Equinox: equal day and night. Equal light and dark. A balance of all things. In the Spring it means we're heading into longer days and more light.
Time to thing about a new life. Time for planting thoughts and ideas that will bloom as the sun grows warmer. Time for new beginnings.
Blessed be, dear friends.
I unplugged last night.
No TV. No laptop. And no phone.
I sat on the couch with Gromit and read a book until I fell asleep.
Sad: I can't remember the last time I did that -- one of my favorite, simple things to do.
Happy: I finally did it and I'm doing it again tonight because I'm up to my ears in a fabulous new book called Holy Blood, Holy Grail. A surprisingly easy read -- it's the non-fiction book behind The DaVinci Code. Highly recommend it if you're into that sort of thing.
I am reading: proofing employee handbook
I am listening to: sales meeting blah blah in the background
And I am: Pretty happy
2 weeks ago
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