is tiresome.
Chick doctor. Eye doctor. Haircut. Dentist.
Forget March Madness. Over here it’s been March Maintenance.
I will be so glad when my soul finally shrugs off this body and I’ll be finished with all this happy crap.
That’s my idea of Heaven.
Yes, all my dead friends and relatives are there – at least the ones I really want to see, anyway.
Doggies everywhere, of course.
But best of all: no more tiresome, unreliable, smelly body to contend with.
Although I must admit that I love, love, love having clean teeth.
I waited an extra six weeks to get my teeth cleaned (long story) and it was getting so bad that the aforementioned Shit Breath Avoidance Maneuver was no longer effective.
What do you do then? Ya got a trick for that, Heather?
Nope. At that point, there’s no avoiding it. Just try to keep your mouth closed and don’t stand too near friends or an open flame.
With all this train riding, I forget how much I love driving.
There’s nothing like a good 45-minute trip on good expressway to put me in a good mood.
I love shifting through the gears. I love the strategy to navigate around idiots in the left lane (you know who you are.)
But most of all, I love the speed.
80 is good. 90 is better. 95?
Indeed. Zippy, unparalleled bliss.
With nearly 17 years of Chicago driving, I’m good.
Very good.
And never, ever reckless.
For me, Heaven also would be a fast car and endless miles of open road.
So here’s a question I’ve been asking lately: if our souls are separate from our bodies, and our bodies and minds give us gender, then logically we would have no gender once we die.
Whaddaya think? Good? Crazy? Possible? Boring?
What would it be like if we just loved each other’s souls? Do you love the soul of the person you’re with? Would you still love her if she didn’t have the same body or mind?
Isn’t that a bit of a mind-fuck?
I believe there are certain human characteristics that live in your soul: courage and compassion, mostly. These are things that do not require logic – and in fact they’re most powerful when there’s no thinking involved at all.
“But, Heather! Bodies can be fun! And interesting!”
Of course. The communion of bodies can be lovely, albeit temporary.
The communion of souls can last forever.
I am reading: Holy Blood, Holy Grail
I am listening to: Salinas - Gonzalo Sorondo
And I am: Thinky
2 weeks ago
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