It’s because of people like this:
Hello it's me [name] president for [local town] for Obama 2008. I have a idea for a very inexpensive fundraiser, RAFFLE TICKETS: (example) you'd have 10 people sell 50 tickets at $100.00 a piece, this will generate $500.00. The more you sell the more profit you'll make. These tickets can be brought at [local stores]. cost for a roll ranges from $5.00 to 10.00 depending on where you purchase them from. How you purchase the rolls, is you have people to donate their own roll of tickets or donate a roll for someone else. We are going to be doing this over the summer for our community group, which runs by funds which are generated from the community.
Did ya get that?
Plan to Elect Barack Obama:
1) Buy raffle tickets
2) Sell raffle tickets
3) Profit
I guess we all win the raffle if Obama gets elected, right?
10 people sell 50 tickets @ $100.00 a piece = $500.00
Is there a math wiz in the house? My head hurts.
The same woman sent the following message to the listserv for the group:
Hello Matt this is my cell number 1-630-555-5555, I did it this way so my cell wouldn't be all over the Internet. Thank you in advance, if you do not have any buttons left, please call me so I would know.
I’m not doing this to be mean. Really.
I’m genuinely concerned that Obama’s campaign – at least on an extremely local level – is in the wrong hands.
It’s the problem with any Democratic/libtard organization: It’s so fucking egalitarian that any idiot can be the leader.
Of course, if you’re part of a Republican/conservatard organization, any idiot can be the leader.
Of the free world.
I am listening to: That Borat movie
I am reading:
And I am: Frustrated
2 weeks ago
Hedy, this is 75% of the voting population. My kinfolk in Alabama are 100% Republicans (mostly due to gun issues) but they LOVE how the democrats say "Tax the Rich." They HATE people who work hard, are smart and make money!
Four years ago my dad gave 12 of them a questionnaire with 10 questions. All 12 questionnaire's came back with almost every single answer leaning republican. Yet, all 12 of them voted democratic.
So, back to your point. I believe you are wrong in that Obama's campaign is "in the wrong hands." Because, if 75% of our country is
challenged or just flat out stupid, shouldn't they have a "Moron" for a leader? These people won't like you, cause you're smart. So, why don't you just sell 50 tickets and give them the $500. They'll win an election and you'll have a little extra spending money.
Great comment by hillbilly boy.
I just came across a "viral" video that is on YouTube that is a parody of the early eighties Apple ad shown during the Superbowl, that brilliantly skewers Clinton to Obama's benefit:
Not all of Obama's supporters are morons, there's at a minimum the creator of the video and you.
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