Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cialis interruptus

Have you seen the latest Cialis commercial?

The prototypical older, yet attractive couple is at dinner – snoogling like teenagers.

He pops a pill (Cialis: When the Moment is Right or some shit like that) in anticipation of a night of Hot Monkey Sex with the ol’ lady.

But fate is a cold, cruel mistress.

The car breaks down on the way home to the love nest and -- get this -- the Hot Monkey Sex (HMS) is delayed.

When you're safe at home tonight on the computer you use primarily for porn, do a search on "Cialis".

Keep in mind these are supposed to be people who grew up in the Happy Days era of drive-ins and cruise nights and making out in your ’57 Bel Air , for Pete’s sake. You did everything in your car back then. And who can forget when Richie/Potsie/Ralph Malph found his thrill by pretending to run outta gas?

And these people call a tow truck rather than seeing it as an opportunity for HMS in the BMW?

There are a lotta reasons to really hate those commercials, but c’mon people.

Know your audience.
And finally: A great big Happy Birthday to you, Bill. Love you, miss you.
I am listening to: Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me
I am reading: Three Cups of Tea
And I am: Great


Dave said...

But Cialis does get the all time award for the best advertising use of the apparently obligatory medical side-effects disclosure: "If your erection lasts more than four hours, see you doctor immediately."

Hedy said...

Someone I know says "If your erection lasts more than four hours, CALL ME!"


Anonymous said...

1.)Why do you think we all look at p*rn???? It disgusts me that you even think that about us!...BUT, I've got some great sites for you if you needm.

2.)The car commercial could've been a great clip for getting some........... "road helmet"