Monday, March 17, 2008

Mas felicidad!

Upon arrival it is hot and humid. The locals are extremely friendly.

And most importantly, text messaging works.

It is at this moment I decide to inject a little of the local flavor into every message home for the duration of our stay.

ME: We made it por favor buenos muchos!

JIM: Cool your phone works? Is it hot there?

ME: Mochos caliente! But ugly so far.

JIM: Que?

ME: El ride-o from el aeroport-o esta Rosie O’Donnell.

JIM: Your taxi driver is a fat lesbian?
It’s amazing how much better the tequila tastes here.

Saul, our bartender, says any time we want more shots we should shout “Mas felicidad!” which I’m pretty sure is Spanish for “I’m a drunken American whore!”

Like the Internet service here in Cancun, my posts will be unreliable and irritating for the next few days.

Hola esta bonita burrito Don Gato ai carrumba! Dos Equis! Corona! Si!
I am listening to: Soccer on the tv in the hotel lobby
I am reading: Not a goddamn thing
And I am: Crispy


Dave said...

Enjoyo, or something like that. You made me flash to that terrible movie that had Rosie in it years back in some resort were everyone was attactive but her. Pennance is in order.

molly gras said...

I'm officially jealous, dammit!

drink up for me and all the other working stiffs ~ ai carrumba!

Susan's Snippets said...

Remember Hedy -

It is pronounced - TOKILLYA!

I am insanely jealous of you guys! Enjoy!

no boy toy

Anonymous said...

You're having a pretty Mr. Cat burrito and some local brew? Wow! Have fun.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

someone you want to refer to: wey

music: rola

homosexual: joto, puñal, maricon

un maní: a guy with a small penis

Just please stay clear of any Falopa...could land you in troublah..

Have a great deserve it!


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Don't come back, it's too cold here.
Stay a few more days because instead of eating Easter lamb cakes, I'll be making Freakin' Bunny angels outside in the damn snow.
