What an exciting week, eh?
It started with the Bears losing the Super Bowl and ended with the tragic pop culture loss of Anna Nicole Smith.
I’m not depressed.
The Bears weren’t going to win. And like Anna Nicole – a vacuous, money-grabbing bimbo – they were extremely fortunate to have gone as far as they did.
It’ll be interesting to see if taking TrimSpa had anything to do with her death. Talk about an endorsement nightmare.
Endorsement #1: Please read Neil Steinberg. His book Complete & Utter Failure is brilliant and it’s a goddamn shame more people haven’t read it.
Steinberg is my hero, my idol, and the star of many hot, wet fantasies that I’ll never share with anyone.
Wait. Not that last part.
Although if I could have a seriously passionate make-out session with his brain I’d die happy.
Endorsement #2: I tried Garrett’s cheese popcorn for the first time on Thursday. If you find me homeless in a gutter somewhere with yellow-stained fingers and a smile on my face it is because of Garrett’s. I’m addicted.
Endorsement #3: I’m not a big fan of Starbuck’s. I don’t drink coffee. And I had an ill-fated weeklong relationship with their iced cafĂ© mochas that left me broke and near death. However, their dark chocolate covered graham crackers are excellent. Go get 'em.
Endorsement #4: Jim’s homemade chicken noodle soup. If you find me homeless in a gutter somewhere it’s because I divorced him for not making it any more.
I am listening to: Picture – Sheryl Crow/Kid Rock
I am reading: The yummy-brained Mr. Neil Steinberg
And I am: Eh, so-so
1 day ago
No one deserves to die inspite of their turmolous lifestyle. Try thinking about the fact that her daughter will never know her mother. Imagine what your life would've been like had you not had your mom? Instead of disrespecting her past, honor her soul. You talk about making a difference? A bit hypocritical, eh? It's okay so long as your not a bimbo?
You're absolutely right. I should be more compassionate to everyone, especially bimbos and people who can't spell so well. Thanks.
Hey Anonymous....I had to agree but also disagree with you.
1.) you're absolutely right, no one deserves to die...other than murderers and child molesters (who should be tied to the back of a pickup truck, that is going 15 mph)
2.)should we actually respect her past?....she was a Drunk...Drug Addict...THIEF... and basically a Ho, who actually had NO IDEA who had fathered her child....which I believe is/was PATHETIC!
I take great offense at the person who dared to compare Anna Nicole Smith with your mother.
s.ray..thanks for the "to agree or not to agree," comment.
Allow me to rephrase my comment regarding the respect or lack there of from this particular blog. I don't think it's right to label someone from what's read in the paper, or seen on tv. She did make many mistakes, had many issues, however, God doesn't discriminate. A sin is a sin. For hedy being hypocritical, for me not paying enough attention in school especially in spelling which Hedy so kindly pointed out. There is so much out there that deserves front and center attention, versus this. Because her actions were constantly under the limelight of the press it's easy for us to judge her, yet I'm sure we all have our skeletons. At least of all us but the saintly and spelling bee champ-Hedy.
For the record, I would NEVER participate in a spelling bee. Thanks for all the great comments!
Not comparing hedy's mom to anna nicole smith as a mom, dewmama. Kindly pointing out that regardless, there is a little infant girl out there that will never get to know her mom. That is sad. Trying to paint a picture for dear Hedy I tried to help with the image of what life would've been like had there not been a mom in the house while hedy was dreaming of someday becoming a blogger. This girl, anna's daughter, will have to experience life without a mother. Imagine how you'd feel if all you'll read about someday 18 years from now after the death of your mom, of what a bimbo and money grabbing whore that she was. Isn't there anyone out there with something positive to say?
Let's all noodle on this over the weekend and I'll devote Monday's blog to the topic. All kidding aside, I really appreciate your comments. When I started HedyBlog, the main goal was to get people thinking/talking about things. Thank you so much - all of you - for helping make that happen. Have a great weekend!
Worse than that little girl growing up without a mother could be that little girl growing upwith THAT mother! If she truly is what the media portrayed, I have a small bit of hope that neither of "the contenders" is her father and that she somehow ends up in a more morally anchored, respectable family. This may be her chance at a normal life.
Do you think that ANS's lifestyle could have led her son down the path that he walked? And could you imagine going on the internet and seeing nudies of your mom (however hot she may be)? Eww. Yuck.
-Mr. Uk
I am Hedy's Mom, and I have to say, Hedy you are wrong to judge Anna Nicole so harshly. You yourself were a big boobed bimbo two months ago. Now you're just a bimbo. lol
Your mom ROCKS!
Can't wait to see what you come up with on monday, Hedy!
During my time reading you, eleven is a record. It's either the the semi-cheap shot at the recently departed (sorry I have to go the other way on this one) or my comment the other day that your Mom ought to weigh in more, along with your other loyal readers.
The utterly sad fact associated with her death is the now third guy to, maybe, claim paternity, Prince Zsa Zsa, is a - what? I'll settle for scum. Her legacy is the soap opera she lived will continue.
It's a bit over 50 degrees down here: but, your restaurants are better.
In my opinion, Hedy & I have the best mother, daughter relationship in the world. Do we agree on everything? NO. We never have & never will. We talk a lot, debate a lot,tease a lot, and laugh a lot. And respect each other. Having said this, Hedy & I didn't agree on the death of Anna Nicole. When we talked Friday night, I told Hedy that I felt sorry for all of them, Anna Nicole, her mother, and her baby. Thirty Nine is way too young to die, I couldn't imagine what her mother was feeling, and the poor baby who would never know her mother. But after seeing the mother's interview just hours after her daughter's death, when she did not even shed a tear, I still feel sorry for them, but not for the same reasons. I feel bad that they didn't have the relationship that Hedy & I have.
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