Do you know when you’re in the bathroom and Someone Who Shall Remain Nameless changes the toilet paper roll but doesn’t lock the thingy that holds the roll into the thingies that hold the roll holder so when you go to grab some, the spring-loaded roll holder thingy flies out, flinging the roll across the floor?
That’s the kind of day I was having.
It seemed like I was arguing with everyone I know.
Technology was being a Snotty Little Uncooperative Bitch.
And everything just felt wrong, wrong, wrong.
About 11 a.m., it dawned on me: This feels like a Mercury Retrograde.
So I looked it up and sure enough, February 14 was the start of a Mercury Retrograde. Have I mentioned this?
It’s silly little planetary crap that I mostly don’t believe in except on days like yesterday.
There was no good explanation for everything that went wrong so I blame it on the retrograde thing.
I know what you’re thinking.
Hormones, Hedy. Hormones.
Nope. That would be a much more logical, rational explanation. Not this week, dear friends.
And Hey You Know Who: Of course you knew it wasn't hormones. Stop congratulating yourself for keeping track of something that I don't even bother with and shaddap.
Of course it’s completely irrational to think that planets far away would have any impact at all on what happens here on Earth.
But whether you believe it or not is not the point. Hell, whether I believe it or not is not the point.
The point is, once I had an explanation for why things were so screwed up, it made it easier to manage.
I am listening to: Acceptance – Take Cover
I am reading: Case studies
And I am: Not doing anything Really Important
2 weeks ago
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