From: Heather
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2007 4:38 PM
To: Samantha, Paul
Subject: March 6th Event
Hi Samantha – Here’s the invite that went out today. If possible, please send us e-mail addresses for the folks you’d like to invite. Otherwise, please be sure to forward this to your reps. Thanks so much for your support.
From: Samantha
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2007 4:56 PM
To: Heather, Paul
Subject: March 6th Event
You have all email ids that we have for the contacts I've you to call from. I'd like your team to send the evite and invite all of those customers. I'll pass this on to reps, but don't count on them to invite anyone, unless they have someone who's been asking for something like this.
If you read between the lines (and the typos) in Samantha’s response, she’s basically telling us we’re on our own for this event.
It pissed me off just a little because we’re hosting this half-day seminar in her office and were promised/expecting just a little more support from our partner on this.
But I let it go because I knew we’d make the event successful with or without her help.
From: Samantha
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 6:33 PM
To: Heather’s boss, Heather and others in both organizations
Subject: March 6th Event
Can you guys forward an evite, or a detailed agenda that reps can use to pass on to clients for the March 6th event? We never saw the final.
From: Louis (Hedy’s Boss)
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 9:01 AM
To: Heather
See below and stop by to discuss.
-----Original Message-----
From: Samantha
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 9:01 AM
To: Louis
Subject: Re: March 6th Oracle Event
Louis can you get is evite and agenda? I asked for it on Friday night but haven't seen it yet.
Did ya notice the timeline on that?
This silly, spastic, spelling-impaired twat sends an e-mail at 6:33 PM on Friday requesting something she received two weeks ago. Then, she asks my boss for it again Monday morning at 9:03 AM.
That’s how yesterday went.
Not just for me, but for practically everyone I know.
It was Kick the Dog Monday.
And today, it’s C U Next Tuesday!
The Hillary Camp released four pages of talking points to help her supporters Get It Right when they’re explaining how she can win in spite of being polarizing, tiresome, and married to someone who’s kind of a drag on her campaign.
Those aren’t my words, FYI. They're taken directly from questions found in her own talking points.
Way to go, Hillary! The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
FYI: All the names in this story (save mine) have been changed to protect the guilty.
Here’s what happened: My boss contacted a rep in Samatha’s office to confirm his participation in our event on March 6.
It was the first he’d heard of it.
So Samantha claimed that she’d never received the invite from me – her excuse for why she never forwarded to the reps like she was supposed to do.
In case you’re confused, I’m the dog in this scenario.
Why is it so difficult for people to take responsibility for their screw-ups?
You messed up. Make it right. Don’t try to push it off on someone else.
Because now I’m crabby and the last thing I’m gonna do is kick Gromit.
Jim maybe. Gromit never.
I am listening to: The Calling - Wherever You Will Go
I am reading: Nothing, no time
And I am: Frustrated
3 months ago
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