For you wake one day, look around and say: "Somebody wonderful married me."
I am listening to: Married - Cabaret soundtrack
I am reading: Nothing
And I am: Blessed
2 weeks ago
How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. - Henry David Thoreau
what movie is that quote from?
It's from the musical Cabaret, which Jim and I went to on our first anniversary. Yesterday was 10 years and I still feel the same way hearing that song. :)
On stage celebrating 10 years of wedded bliss - let's hear it for Jim and Hedy!
Jim? Cabaret? He never takes me to the theatre? Although I'm forever grateful he left me at home when you went to see Cats! Garbage!
I'm thinking a good doggie musical would be appropriate. It's about a dog named Grommit... we'll call him Grommie... and he's a hero... and he has two great owners... and he goes to Iraq... and he comes home... he has PTSD... so he grabs a gun... and just before he shoots innocent children he hears a voice... and it's you Hedy... and you say "come here Grommit"... and Gromie starts to cry and he puts the gun down and he is cured...
Then there is a big musical number with lotsa trees...
Yeah I like it...
Andrew Lloyd Grommit
Congrats, you two.
Although I'm not 100% sure I can get behind that whole Cabaret quoting thing. There's only one musical I have seen that I have liked, and I'm not sure why I liked it, and none others.
My Fair Lady.
I think it's the Audrey Hepburn factor. That lady just oozed charm and class. Even when she was a dirty, foul-speaking guttersnipe, I was infatuated.
Congrats you two!!
And double happiness that you can share such an auspicious occasion with such an adorable, classically minded, creative genius canine!
Go Grommit!
And go Hedy and Jim! :)
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