intellect |ˈintlˌekt|
the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, esp. with regard to abstract or academic matters : he was a man of action rather than of intellect.
curiosity |ˌkyoŏrēˈäsitē|
noun ( pl. -ties)
a strong desire to know or learn something : filled with curiosity, she peered through the window.
Intellectual curiosity
A strong desire to learn more about a person, a thing or a way of life.
Have you heard this phrase? Intellectual curiosity.
It’s been tossed around a lot in the media lately with regard to a particular presidential candidate.
In fact, after Sunday’s Meet the Press, we can safely say it’s become the ‘gravitas’ of this decidedly crappy campaign season.
I looked it up because I didn’t want to assume I knew what it meant.
And that’s pretty much the definition of intellectual curiosity.
Remember gravitas?
From Latin for ‘big heavy balls’, gravitas became a veritable media darling after Bush chose Cheney for VP.
My how things have changed.
I wonder if there’s a Latin word for Moose-lovin’ maverick.
Intellectual curiosity.
It means never assuming you have all the answers. Never assuming that you know everything there is to know about a person, a thing or a way of life.
It means constantly striving to understand our world and why people do the occasionally bat-shit crazy things they do.
It also means seeking out diverse information sources and opinions, rather than relying on the sources that reinforce your view of the world. Taking an objective view of things before drawing conclusions.
I suppose there is a certain comfort in having everything figured out. You can categorize people: good/evil, right/wrong, conservative/liberal, democrat/socialist, greedy/generous.
We're all guilty of it occasionally. Because it simplifies things. Makes it easier to understand this highly complex world of ours.
But the people who have all the answers all the time – the people who have everything and everyone neatly packaged and labeled – scare the living hell out of me.
Because if you have it all figured out, you’ve stopped asking questions. You’ve given up trying to understand people.
And that’s where all the good stuff is.
I am listening to: I Wish You Love – Rachael Yamagata
I am reading: Leondard Pitts Jr. in The Chicago Tribune
And I am: Quietly curious
2 weeks ago
Hedy....I don't want to EVER know all the answers all the time...I LOVE asking people questions and investigating.
human relating
It's good to be smart enough to know that you don't know. But sometimes you have to take a stand and fight like hell. I just wish I knew when that was...
Hmmm... those are looking a bit to flakey. Is it time? Should I?
Why should I? Why? Because...
Because I can...
...excuse me while I go someplace more private for a quick testy scrub.
Peace through understanding...
"The people who have everything and everyone neatly packaged and labeled - scare the living hell out of me.
This from a person who said "Lazy-ass Republicans" in a blog a few days ago.
I love it when Lazy-ass Republicans prove my point, don't you?
"WE'RE ALL GUILTY OF IT OCCASIONALLY. Because it simplifies things. Makes it easier to understand this highly complex world of ours.
But THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS ALL THE TIME – the people who have everything and everyone neatly packaged and labeled – scare the living hell out of me."
Did that help? Did you pick up on it this time? I sure hope so. And thanks so much for being here.
I've got to go with Newton on this...
I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. -Sir Isaac Newton
Lovely, Kengell. Agreed.
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