Here's a transcript from an exchange between McCain and one of his supporters at a recent rally. They're talking about Barack Obama:
"He's...he's an Arab," says a woman from the audience.
"No. No ma’am. No ma'am. He’s a decent, family man citizen that I happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues," says McCain.
Did you catch that? Here's the video.
But HEDY - you PROMISED you weren't going to write about politics.
This is more of a social commentary than political. Truly.
So the woman calls Obama an Arab and McCain says "No, he's a decent citizen."
As if the 3,500,000 Arab Americans living here in the United States aren't decent citizens?
Well, I'm sure some of them are complete assholes, but it's not as if simply by virtue of being Arab, they're automatically terrorists, criminals, and liars.
I am listening to: The Chicago Marathon, waiting for Meet the Press
I am reading: Stoking fear of The Other by Steinberg
And I am: Sad
2 weeks ago
That Lady was the one who was making Arabs sound Bad.
McCain says something Classy about Obama and you still hammer him.
You just can't help yourself, can you?
It's a direct quote - I didn't leave anything out, Moe. She said he's an Arab and he said, no he's a decent citizen. A far better answer would've been: "He's not Arab. He's American. And if his religion concerns you, he's a Christian. Regardless of his race or religion - as if that has anything to do with it here in America - he's a decent man who I happen to disagree with on major policy issues."
See the difference? Tell me please, you see the difference. I'm not trying to make McCain out to be a bad guy - he answered as best he could and his intentions were obviously very good.
I'm more wondering why there hasn't been outrage expressed by the Arab community at unintentionally being labeled the opposite of decent by a major political candidate.
Also: If it's 'Classy' to insult 3.5 million Americans -- intentional or otherwise -- then I need a new dictionary.
Hedy, you really are one smart gal. I really appreciate how your brain works. I would have "felt" the insult, but would have been at a complete loss to identify it.
Thanks :)
I'm with Moe. You're reading way too much into it. He said it without any time to think. It's easy to say what he "should have" said on a blog after you've had time to think about it and word it just right. Boy, people sure are touchy.
Thanks so much, Molly.
As for Moe and Anonymous and anyone else out there who thinks this is harmless and even classy - just insert some other word than Arab.
"He's...he's black."
See? Tell me how he would've/should've responded. I do believe it was unintentional on McCain's part. I can't decide if that makes it worse or better.
Hey what point do you concede that you simply don't like Mccain and agree to disagree with half the nation? For you to find fault with him due to what he said, or didn't say, shows your lack of credibility and dare I say, intelligence. Disagree with his politics....but you're hearing what you want to hear. In this time of crisis in America in so many different realms, intellectual lightweight statements such as yours are not needed.
I'm with you Hedy on this one. We've winced through 8 years of a President who couldn't think on his feet. This is a good indication that McCain would mean another 4 years of painful oratory.
I've done my best to never personally attack individuals on this site. I've even refused to publish comments that I thought were too mean/offensive.
That said, Archie Bunker wins the first ever Hedyblog FUCK OFF AND LOSE MY LINK award.
Holy sht, there are awards? If I were more like my daughter who does extra credit to get extra solid A's I'd really try for one of these awards. Alas, I will only do what is required on the syllabus. Shout out to Archie on his award and to all of the others that were in the running.
wow! Such venom directed at least you still have the taxman, who is nothing if not predictable. Consider your link lost.........and now I have to pick up the pieces of my life after this rejection.
It's just an award, Archie. It's actually kind of an honor. Taxman is totally jealous. I secretly hope you don't leave. Secretly.
Archie said, “Hey what point do you concede that you simply don't like Mccain and agree to disagree with half the nation? For you to find fault with him due to what he said, or didn't say, shows your lack of credibility and dare I say, intelligence. Disagree with his politics....but you're hearing what you want to hear. In this time of crisis in America in so many different realms, intellectual lightweight statements such as yours are not needed.”
Couple of points here.
1) It is wishful thinking on Archie’s part that half of America is for McCain. I said it before and I will say it again. The election will show a Dukakis like blowout. Count on it. This probably explains his defensiveness.
2) At the minimum, your point was astute. When he questions your intelligence it is more a demonstration of his thin skin than your "intelligence" or "credibility". This is the type of reaction I have when I know I am in a no win - losing situation. Like when Jim pulls out that high pitch sonic ear wacker device.
3) Of course McCain was not hating on Arabs. And you even indicated that in your post. Who made Archie the arbiter of intellect? Fact is your point is valid and most people I know missed it completely. Nice observation. And it should have very little effect on the "crisis taking place in the different realms of America"
4) Finally, the incident did shed light on our archetypical attitudes toward the Arabs as a group. It made me think... and I for one THANK YOU!
Pseudo Intellectual Patrol Officer
Moe said - That Lady was the one who was making Arabs sound Bad.
McCain says something Classy about Obama and you still hammer him.
You just can't help yourself, can you?
Oh Moe... really? Are you offended AGAIN? Jesus, you miss the point completely. Did you see that lady? Back in her day she was hot! Did you see the history in her body? Blond Norwegian hussy. I’m surprised McCain didn’t throw her down on the ground and start banging her right there on stage. The sexual tension was palpable. When they had their hands on the microphone at the same time... come on... you know you got liberal with your stiffy...
Hedy wasn’t saying McCain did anything wrong... but I am. He should have knocked her down and given it to her right there... Grommie style... the whole Arab thing was just a smoke screen… now lighten up... and pull up your pants...
Doghouse Forum
Yeah Archie Bunker, Moe, and the first Anonymous! These others and Hedy twist people's words around and squeeze out any bit of insult they can possibly find. "Oh,oh, my feelings have been hurt!" I'd love to take every word they say and look at them with a microscope.
I believe you have too much time on your hands - must not have jobs. If that's the case, Obama will be perfect for you.
I swear, Hedy, I'm flying my ass to Chicago just so's you and I can grab some sushi and gab it up until we are officially BFF's!
All I did was point out something interesting. I wasn't mean about it - just factual. Direct quotes. No twisting of words. And all of this ugliness.
Feel better? Sure hope so.
Molly! YES! Come to Chicago! We'll have a blast! Any time, honey! :)
Interesting observation on this. Although I think McCain is not a good choice and has a case of the crazy eyes, I actually commend him for TRYING to have Obama's back. But you are soooo right, it sure didn't come out well. Yikes.
Interesting observation on this. Although I think McCain is not a good choice and has a case of the crazy eyes, I actually commend him for TRYING to have Obama's back. But you are soooo right, it sure didn't come out well. Yikes.
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