I peed in my pants a little when Biden said 'Bosniacs.'
Da says she lost; Mom says she won.
I've promised not to talk about this until I can be nice, so I'll just say G'night and God Bless Ya to Joe SixPack and the Soccer Mom.
I am listening to: Tom Brokaw talking like he has marbles in his mouth
I am reading: Nothing, too tired
And I am: Sleeping in tomorrow
2 weeks ago
Well, if the race were decided by the veep candidate, my mind is made up. Was made up before the debate.
Biden's a schmoe, but I believe he understands the concept of separation of church and state.
I didn't make a fuss when you first floated this proposal. I admit it was because I underestimated your willpower. I assumed that the insanity and inanity of the "Original Mavericks" would lure you back to vituperative commentary like a spoiled puppy to a smelly trashcan.
Four million Bosniacs agree: nice is fine, but mean is hilarious. Bring back the snark! Hedy/Angry 2008!
TheI'm not gonna answer your questions the way you want me to... I'm gonna speak straight to the American people... oh look... a ball... gotta run...
Actually with regard to the term 'Bozniac'...
According to the U.S. State Department, as of 2002, the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina consisted of the following ethnic groups: "Bosniak 48.3%, Serb 34.0%, Croat 15.4%, others 2.3%."
Biden was correct on this one... but he was wrong on the bankruptcy bill... but when you consider Palin's intell... oh look a frisbee... see ya....
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